
This Chinese produced set is marked "High Grade R/C Racing Car" and "Road Start Racing Car Set" with no manufacturor's marks or UPCs on the box (at least not in English). The bottoms of the trucks and the remote are marked "T&T Tian Tai Toy Company, Ltd. Made in China" This quick radio controled plastic VX appears to have been knocked-off from an earlier 1/32nd VX toy produced for the Japanese market. The toy comes with 2 NiCad batteries/charger and works in the 35 or 49 MHz band (I'm thinking that they all use the same frequency without encryption, so by offering them within different bands you could race them). These are pretty quick and fun to run, with forward, reverse, lef/right turn and stop. They sport interesting graphics - the headlights and taillights are stickers though (negative in my opinion). These R/C trucks first appeared on eBay about 2 years ago from a single seller - there was quite a flurry of bidding, with the camo colored VX selling for the most.
From the numbering, this model appears to have been available first. The Tiantai markings and "World Power 36" number decals gives it a Rally Car look. Nice proportions on the modeling.
The white VX also looks like a Rally Car, with "Champion 16" Tiantai, Brainpower and Bosch stickers. For some reason this toy looks best in white (in my opinion) - perhaps because the contrast is so pronounced.
This is a really odd variation with "17 Army" and "UN" decals. I guess the company was going for a modern military look. Because of the flat paint, the decals are all peeling off this one (they should have painted in gloss, applied the stickers, then over-painted in flat for the same effect).
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